quinta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2008

Chosen days

Thursday and Friday: this week's chosen days to have dinner at home and try to do something there. It was supposed to be Wednesday and Friday, but when we got to my parents to pick up the twins yesterday, I HAD to see what they had for dinner: burguers! MOM's burguers!! I can't turn my back on my MOM's burguers!! So we ended up having dinner there...
But today we will go pick up the twins, I WILL NOT LOOK FOR DINNER, we will leave the house and head straight home to eat there, and I will do some cleaning today.

1 comentário:

Lara disse...

É sempre bom comer algo que foi cozinhado com amor por outros e não termos esse trabalho. Especialmente quando se trabalha fora de casa e se chega cansado. Mas fazes bem em não fazer disso um hábito. Depois conta como têm corrido as coisas.
